you can sub him on half time he will be usable but not perfect
i did dribbling evo on him too smh
i hope i can snipe him tommorow
Just packed him and im so happy after getting Sukker, Rush and Keane lol. He feels good ingame crazy shooting but im still getting comfortable with him. Big W man :D
i prefer ST and LW, cutting in and smashing it far post as LW work alot for me
My evo is much better
i am making the 87 pace right now
i did evo with him but didnt completed so i will get 87 shooting haha i win bitchs
no he means he picked him in the rewards where u have to choose between malen and grealish permanent what is so hard to understand
les bleus
fkn trash ea i sold bellingham to do this trash ass gamble and i lose everytime only Ls
im doing him strong link to my cracked talisca
i'm cursed this year from 88max icon pack i got first Rush then grind all weekend to get 10 wins to use all my saved fodder to get this trash
yeah man i feel the same card looks crazy but will be outdated quick with low def and physical
why AIK players trending ? him and Guidetti
crazy and undeserved considering how cracked he is. i have Morgan, Suker and Rutter benched because of Griezi
he is insane for me im nearly done with the evo
fr he will be 90pace 87shoot 81pass 89dribble 81phys when im done hes insane
i already did power surge on him so thjis sbc will make him decent
got him out of the max 88.... biggest L ever
So glad i didn't do Watt. My Morgan is worse than gold Griez anyway so she is supersub. This guy will be beast when i finish him
he is alot better than araujo he will help alot but u will prob lose some coins
saliba and vvd or varane and vvd
fr i packed him last year untradeable and he was in my squad until i quit even tho i had crazy cards. wish i pack him this year too i packed saliba but tradeable so prob will sell
will he rise ? packed today from preview loool open ur previews boys
fr havent seen a single one even watching some fifa videos
fr got him today and it pissed me off cant go in a 433 forced to play 442 all time
fr like if u gonna be ass atleast go for all the bonuses
but when u get good team it feels so good, i dont really even like rush hate that we forced to play if we want evos
i just got him today lol
why this random trending
he replaced my morgan currently not even kidding
he is cooking in 4triple2 for me him and griezmann up top with griezi on false 9
i use finisher he helped me to 10 wins in weekend league
he is still useable in div3 and 10 wins weekend league for me
its still good inside the box i use suker over Morgan currently
i want him so bad but i already have too many good players... oh well guess i will buy him and lose 30k
so why is he trending now+??
i tried him in div3 and he almost got me to div2, his finishing is great and crazy headers even jumps over bigger defenders on corners with a hawk
he is so good for me as cm playmaker and holding cdm, his passing is insane and r1 dribbling crazy too
packed from a preview and i dont wanna sell him... he is so so good, miles better than rudiger
He is crazy for me with finisher, he bangs in the volleys on either foot after trickster flick up
He is cracked he benched my Morgan
is he good defensively? i use rb on fullback and defence because they always go to far up the bitch on balanced
that's what i did luckily enough i think he has most caps for me of all my players
he can do both depends what playstyle u got on him and who else u got really
i loved Thuram but i prefer Iwobi as holding since i play 2 cms and he feels stronger and is very good on the ball it's just a preference thing
iwobj easily
he replaced my Thuram even as holding
am i the only one who still haven't got him lol