Jack of all trades
I'm compng as well
20* :)
Prinz, if you want to stay in division 8
On 10
Road to 650 Extinct because he is unpackable
Both are mostly explosive you stupid trader xD
Where can you check your fodder worth?
- 50 composure near parking lots
Bruiser De jong wish
Back to Back overpriced Laliga POTM keep going EA.
Grinded as well, got toty.. spain.. carvajal... and then soft ban. Fck EA
Grinding through these 82x20 and the only player i packed after almost 100 completions is carvajal Toty, whom I don't need because i have theo evo left and zambrotta evo right and who has no anticipate and no good role++. I mean it's alright, it's EA. But to top it off, i get a stupid soft ban. Thanks EA.
Have the best LB and RB evos already and i pack him. No anticipate and no good ++ role damn
Hopefully we can see a max 88 base hero evo next
Finally i can link my Hansen
Arial wouldn't be too bad
Took the faith in his own hands and scored
Would be better than his 13 mil Toty btw
Wow he is just like my toty evo irl love to see it
Base icon evo came logically a base hero evo should come out next
Saw blue packed maignan
Did about 15 of those 20x15 and the best player i packed was maignan
EA, two things. Add 82x15 again and Add duplicate Exchanges. That's for now the only things people want.
Story games > Multiplayer
Remember when we had compensation for moments like this
Is she better than toty dembele??
At what time will you list?
Been on that for hours, tradeable dembeles (87) don't exist anymore. Maybe a few left but obviously they are too smart to sell them.
There is not a single Dembele 87 Tradable left in this game
can't be touched can't be stopped can't be moved
700k damn
Player pick was bugging and i accidentally clicked the wrong player. Theo gone :(
Bring back 82x14 and i'm happy again
Am a madrid fan but Raphinias been a real joy to watch lately. Hope Barca keeps this level and Real makes the classicos fun to watch again.
Bruiser+ or Anticipate+ is definitely more likely
At least you can craft them, 83+ IF> 84+ IF
Don't feel bad bro, I accidentally misclicked on laggy web app player pick and chose gold tah over Trade Theo. But it is what it is gotta live with it now.
Have him tradeable and had him in a pp and the app auto misclicked on a different player. Ifk how to feel right now.
The IF one is not even getting listed anymore, atp just wait till next Wednesday and buy the gold version
When he is back at 196k sell him
Bro is an OG, hope he climbs up even higher at city and doesn't fail like the previous talents of Frankfurt did.
Welcome to the club bro
Gae little Fraud who fights women, he is a person who should be the victim in one of these Cartel G0re videos
Hahah stop dreaming
Will he drop because of Base icon pack in lower rewards ?
Ibarbo, Doumbia and Gervinho coming back? What in the Fortnite OG Chapter move is this?
Maradona would get a lot of players back to the game ngl
Thank God Tiktok is getting banned in the US
Monster in game
Konate is fat fridge that can't defend for his life
Somebody explain the new evo pls
Him or maicon prime
Kenny or Butra ?
Him or kenny 88
Yes, he will be in Toty so he will slowly but surely rise back up again along with his gold card
In 89 x5 objective pack that's why, it's only gonna get worse
Many players are panic selling their players because of toty the prices will shatter don't buy now, wait.
Aka the pre toty purge
How was he in game against you? Better than theo?
Finally a good off topic comment
Sell fodder now or hold?