how have soundtracks been so bad in fc. theres been 2 songs i liked over 2 fifas... just do the fifa 23 soundtrack every year
i get sent off for every slightly miss timed slide tackle. did one on the halfway line going for the ball with a slide tackle+ player and got sent off lmao
not had an acl for a year and managed to get 4 promos lmao
these 3 dont deserve to be in this mess of a game. keep them in the past. in the times fifa was good.
played a rivals game to try and score a long shot and it look me 27 shots to score because casillas felt like becoming superman. the one i scored took a massive deflection and the most annoying part is that i conceded 9 and he celebrated every single one...
takng champs easier this week so i went 2-5 and still got someone with mbappe gullit dinho and cr7 with henry on the bench. went 2-0 up and dda kicked in. count tackle or pass. 4-2 down at half time. not even angry at this point lmao
im taking champs more relaxed today and now in 2-5. cant play for fun anymore because youll just get battered by meta rats
a 2-0 lead is very dangerous because thats when the DDA kicks in
just conceded in the 115th min and the ref blew the whistle when i was through on goal in the 121st minute but at this point i dont care. i always get the same mid record every week. never anything good even when i get higher rewards. its pointless and boring but i love football so ill just keep playing
the 2 division relegation really makes me want to quit rivals. itll be just as hard for terrible rewards. i was playing well and having a slight but of fun in div 2. now ill just match the same people and probably be stuck in div4 for a few weeks. well done ea
slowly becoming usable :)
everytime i get someone good...
madrid fans are so embarrassing lmao
will it be tots when this season ends? or are you just saving it?
i already hate how we get relegated each season. but why change it back to 2 divisions. doesnt even change anything becuase everyone got relegated so youll just be facing people in your own division for worse rewards...
why isnt it a retake. weird rule.
if ea keep up this amount of paid evos they should let you transfer your coins from this year into evo credit or something for this year. ridiculous amount pf paid evos
4 83 10s 1 86 2 85s lmao
on Sunday i was 3 games from div 1 and after the game lagging the past 2 days and ea giving me the worst matchmaking im 3 games from div 3. 4 wins from rewards and the games nearly unplayable today. class game
why is rivals always impossible or super easy for me. no inbetween. im either winning 90% of my games or losing them. my players are either making incredible runs and interceptions or on strike. ill never get it.
how is it march and keepers still just push the ball back to the attacker.
agreed. played same time yesterday and won most of my games. played today and my players wouldnt run or intercept anything
how come ive evoed my player and now they cant make a tackle.
how do you do a low driven shot?
its time for better upgrade packs. we need 3 84 10s a day and maybe 2 85 5s a day. that could help this game a lot. cant get anyone from 83 10s
is it stupid to commit to him even with robbie keane? want a taller striker as good as robbie keane is. just scared i wont have even close to enough fodder as i cant pack anyone above 87
chloe kelly is better but 200k less lmao
i really want to do him but already have robbie keane and cant pack even close to enough fodder for the high rated squads.
id only say hes overpriced because his TOTY is cheaper and better. but because you can do it with fodder its decent value
its not my first year playing but its my first time playing ultimate. didny realise they always just technical dribble and pass as soon as you make a tackle lmao
i swear ea rig ultimate. i can beat the bronze teams 5-0 on legendary but on ultimate i cant keep the ball or make a tackle. they are impossible to break down and impossible to defend against. ruined my rewards tomorrow because i lost 3-0. cheers ea
wouldve done him if i could get a player higher than 87 in any of my packs/picks.
if he had pinged pass and intercept id 100% do it. without them in not sure
wouldve been good value if he had pinged pass/ tiki taka and intercept. without them hes mid
how are we letting ea get away with admitting they use dda. if you are better than someone you should win. thats like fortnite making you click 3 times for you gun to actually shoot once you get like 5 kills. stupid game
i wish i never started playing champs. went 6-2 and ended 8-7 after wanting 9 wins. lost out on the cosmetics by 1 win. 0 fun in bottling 4 2-0 leads because you cant make a pass ea.
i really hope ea do more of these retro card designs for future promos.
ive just lost becuase my first touch+ player took a 12 yard touch when i had an open goal. led to me conceding and losing when i couldve gone in front. got to a point where im not even mad becuase it happens so much
who cares about cr7 when theres retro card type evos
i was considering opening the pp then did a normal pp and got shevchenko, rush and laudrup. yeah i think ill pass with my luck
ive seen the team and theres no one i care about so why would i save
oh god. theres another one
3 83 14 and 4 83 10s and 0 fantasys. wow pack weight this year is the worst its ever been. literally wanted an 100k card this week...
football manager in real life:
just played 2.5 hours of rush for no one above 84
just played 2.5 hours of rush for no one above 84...
we still need vote kick in rush. i just played with someone who refused to pass. had 2 chances to cross for an easy goal but shot and missed twice. he also kept losing the ball. please ea we need it
me and thousands of others. :thumbsup:
bought her for 270k couple days ago. draw against brighton and -130k. Rip. gonna hold for upgrades
50% of my opponents in champs have him. wheres mine ea
why has he risen stupid community
ooo an upgradable gallagher how original
its been like that for me for a couple days. thought it was just my internet but maybe not.
cant score past him but my one keeps assistinh my oppenent
its not even anything the players are doing either. you just cant tackle them
ea really need to shorten rival games. i was 4-3 up at half time went 5-3 up and by the 55th min i was losing 6-5.
21 goals 13 assists in 22 games. hes crazy
used her twice she was mid. was probably just me though because i was playing really bad
no rules? really. literally requires 0 skill. just snap everyone the second they shoot. so dumb
yeah hes good
the league as well
bought her literally 15 mins ago and shes already dropped 20k
but ea ruined squad building
i dont have the players for it. i have about 500 strikers so i try to use 2 striker formations because of the nee tactic system
why do i always lose 5-4 on pens. never any other scoreline. half the time i dive the right way as well
1-3 in champs and all 3 losses were to 4213. 3/4 games against 4213. literally impossible to score and defend against. how its not been patches yet is crazy. at this point i might just use it becuase the game is boring enough anyway
how come my players cant intercept a ball literally a yard away from them but my oppenent can intercept every single full power through ball perfectly and make a 40 yard pass to his cam?
it sounds stupid but for fc 26 i think ea should do a sort of rewind thing where they make gameplay more simple bring back swaps, silver lounge etc bring back old chem and the old tactic system. i think itd revive the game a bit
im getting so bored of this new tactic system. i have so many players i want to use but cant because uts so limiting if you want your players to have legs. the game fell off so bad when they changed chem...
wanted a chelsea players but hes alright from the 90 4
if you play 4213 you have no right to cry about the game. you make it so mind numbingly boring
do i hold onto him or sell now?
how do you use first touch
idk eithee but you know the other person is trying to be toxic 99% of the time
just had an actual enjoyable game against someone even though i lost but obviously it had to be ruined at the end by a griddy. the community is a bugger problem than the gameplay at this point
true but knowing ea itll be winger++
what chem?
boom boom boom boom
i think its random but it took my best player 90% of the time so idk
just come against the worst person in rush. it was 2-2 and they just kept the ball doing skills while their teammates stood there doing nothing because they couldn't. every time he got a free kick he passed it to the keeper and asked for the ball again. eventually we got the ball and scored lmao. rush is gonna die soon