Do I have to play him at ST? He has been so bad at LM on inside forward, Gakpo has played so much better
I don't think her other stats matter if she has 99 passing and incisive plus
This game is so cooked half the people I play against have a 3 mil SBC card
Why popular?
Yes trying to figure it out as well
I don't think the ref was bad I just think PSG were very unlucky and alisson played out of his mind
I have a glitch where I can't redeem a free pack that came with another pack, it says there was an error, how do I fix this?
Replace stones at CB with him or FB cancelo at RB?
Probably bc for the showdown I did the physical evo on Ito and after they tied he upgraded
Does she play a lot IRL?
Yes bro and I'm only in div 3
Literally Ginola but with finesse
Him or Anton NumeroFut?
Looks so cold with the card design
I got him from the icon pick and thought he was a W but why so cheap? Ik he has no defensive playstyles but other than that he is a really good B2B
Take your sweet sweet time with the last future stars evo EA
I want to use both him and evo Hernandez, what is the best chem and role as LM?
Good we don't need everyone having 93 mbappe
If you're worried about playing him as LM on inside forward don't be, he isn't gonna be as fast but his dribbling and passing is phenomenal
Him or do the Kim Min Jae evo
Him or non-evo'd Klostermann?
Klostermann I think because he gets a bigger boost
Looks better but will 83 physical be a problem at CB
Could he still be good with fullback role?
Him or Boey?
Anyone else have a problem where after they play 1 game their cosmetic evo goes away and doesn't come back until they log back in
Great player to evolve with the fullback evo+artist. I did her bc I have RTTK Dia I
Can we get some defender SBC's please?
Is his pro out or can he still upgrade?
Guys he can go into the sentinel evo
Friendly obj
Don't get me wrong this SBC is crazy but 6 squads, 2 of them 87 rated for only 250k shows how cooked this game is
EA actually blessed me for Christmas I can't believe it
Would his finesse shots be good at LM even though he is left footed?
Will he get 1 or both upgrades
Liverpool fan but this guy is so good
Santa Cruz Medicinals
One of the many terrible things about this game and FC24 is that I'm only in div 4 but everyone I face has this guy. WHERE ARE PEOPLE GETTING THIS FODDER FROM!!??
Greatest SBC OAT
Him or Ito with the physical evo
Him or Ito with the physical evo
bro what?
Will it be an actual icon SBC or one of those flashbacks like xabi and zanetti
Yes in the Europa league
Lazio are probably gonna win this will be a good card why people hating
Damn the ugly ahh evo design didn't go away
Does he lose the ugly ahh evo design when he upgrades
I'm not John Barnes, I love racists
Could I do pace defense and physical evo?
Really solid option for stacking passing+shooting evo
Is catalyst chem the best? Defending and physical is already good
Does he replace Romero RTTK or Ruben Dias?
Does he replace Ruben Dias or Romero RTTK
Showdown Sule vibes
Doing fuck all for my fpl team
He's been insane today
He's been insane today
Deadeye or marksman at inside forward
Deadeye or marksman at inside forward
Can we not make players extinct
Deadeye is the best chem right? It has the best boost to shoot
I don't care how bad this game gets I'll still play it because I love football. I won't buy FIFA points though
You can get tons of xp by doing manager and player career obj btw
Should I switch up my whole team to fit him or stick with UCL Watkins?
One of the things EA has done right about this game is role+. Normally this card would be average but with playmaker++ she's so good
Nuno Tavares was good tbf
Advanced forward++ and trivela makes him way better than he looks trusr
Is target forward++ any good I've only used advanced forward and poacher
+6 in a stat is pretty big like 90 pace is way more than 84
Him or bremer
Just me or is he really cheap
FPL goat
W player L card
Crazy how this is a free card
Should I do both bc they are cheap? Obv Chelsea is way better but it's hard to win at old trafford
No way this guy is 29
This SBC will end up like Rodrygo last year
Madrid pr is crazy Martinez carried his club and country to championships, vini did nothing for Brazil even though he was great at club level
Bro gets a mid promo card every year
I know his links aren't great but discard price is crazy
Pisses me off that so many people I play against have him, he's f***ing 1mil
Why is this card extinct? He's not good
Guys I got the ultimate edition but I didn't get the evo
I've only been on the companion app so far and I packed him, how do get the defender evo once you log on?
Ppl find a reason to complain about anything, it's haaland ofc he'll be expensive, also the new SBC format is good bc it gives you more packs