Lool my man im elite too and constant rank 2-3 player, so my opinion is relevant, but u think u can triggerin people on futbin with your toxic a$$ comments, but honesty i bet youre such an average player without life and friends. Take the L my man
I have lot of better midfielders than him, but i dont care, i can afford him amost from my dup storage. Gullit is gullit, and we are not too far away from max 90 rated playstyle evos guys, so dont start complaining, if u want him, get it.
Will his price rise after toty guys?
Have time only at weekend to play, and servers are down. Gg ea, idc if they extend the time till wednesday, lot of people must workin or want to spend time with family or friends. This is so annoyin
Agreed.... always must you to be "the defender", either cannot win a single game with this random kids...
Really EA? I packed this mf 4 times this year out of 6 icon packs i completed. Other two was rijkaard and van nistelrooy. While everybody in div1 and elite has firstowner pele, r9 or charlton btw...
I played 1 striker formation with drogba upfront, but i want to try him, and he cooks. Most know how to use, but his ball control, passing and finesses are something different. Pair him a striker with good dribbling and pace, and enjoy it.
It seems still working, youre rigth man.
Sadly first time lobbed passes will be nerfed. AI defenders and 1000 depth boys winnin again, damn
Yeah still broken. Any 1 striker formation with a good cam will be good, cause he is unstoppable when u have a player with incisive or long ball behind.
I belive u my bro, but sadly u use 1 st formations this year so thats not an option :/
Totally agreed
I have his avalanche evo, but i got this version too from rivals rewards untrade. I think i keep him, he looks cool, and may can be better later than the evo version with his better passing and dribbling and better roles. Its also possible to get one more playstyle+, so think is a very solid card.
Maybe i look foolish, but still chosing him, even againts the nem lukaku. I dont trust other strikers anymore after using him lol
Nope, fast af
Thats the result, when u put the def line high. Maybe learn to defend on balanced, or learn to switch to your cb right away, when u see the ball goes to savanier. Sorry for sayin that, but this card is cannot be effective in bad player hands, i think you just cannot take the L from a player who can use a "skill" what u cannot defend bro.
I prefer Drogba, he is better for a bit directional football, unreal steength and speed, press proven and first touch is really really good for his build, but i tried potm vini in st too, and he was also solid. It totally depends your style of play.
I net that r9 is useless in your hands my son lol
I climbed to the top wit this bog boy so i totally have time for u my son
I see somebody got raped by him lol
make it red bro, dont care about the coins, enjoy the players who u like, this is a game, i make him red tooo
Lol but 1000 depth with crazy offside traps is not a rat thing? Grow up and lear to defend, dont cry, and dont call rat the people, who playin this style againtst the noob 100 depth players.
Really doesnt have roles at lm and cam or glitch? I cant see even in game
I use this card til EA dont nerf you bots who cant defend manually and use 1000 depth loool
Pinged pass is goted playstyle this year, trust me
Everybody is cryin and callin rat people who use this card and an op striker for first time lobbed passes. But nobody cares about the crazy automatic offside traps above 70 depth. People cant even defend manually, cryin for the help to AI with this high def lines and calling rat, who using first time trough balls againts. So,my brainless friends, then take the L, or put the def line to balanced and train your def skills.
I thind dgrogba is still better with press proven and stronger build, but yeah socrates is a good cheaper alternative option
Disrespectfully low price, this card is so so much better
I jus dont understand, why want anybody try him out in rush? Totally different gameplay, just go for rivals or frendly... but this brainless kids are sooo annoyin
Pls dont bring this mf to rush when he dont fit the requirements. Idiots
Him or trailblazers bonmati azt left cam in 4231?
Its a half-nerfed just base icon so this is an obvious tip bro... but i accept that
I think it willbe go up tomorrow because of the FC pro event, but maybe crashes a bit on friday, Winter wildcards willbe a big promo with some nice cards i think. But im not a market spec or trader, so this is only a tip.
Just keep dropping big boy
I opened his gold card minimum 1-2 times per week from the beginning. Now it willbe surely invisible for me till the next promo, but i bet, after the next friday 7pm his gold card walking out from my packs lool
People who payin for wl service are simply pathetic. If u cannot improve your game or skills, u dont deserves better rewards or ranks. Its possible, my first wl in fifa 20 was 4-26(!!). Now im fix rank 2-3 player in elite div. And no, im not a teenager who has a lot of free time, im 26 with wife, and full time job. But u dumba$$es keep pyin hundreds of dollars for others.... what a clowns lool
Sweeper + or GK balanced ++? Is there any huge difference guys?
He is actually insane. Maybe overpriced, but his cards are op every year. Broken finesse shots, silky moves, decent passing. Pace and strength feels so much more than the stats shows, and even gets an upgrade. I think, worth to complete.
I packed him untrade and he carried me to rank3 in the sweatest wl this year for me. Insane. 16 goals in 15 champs matches, not too much but very important goals. GOAT for me.
If you evolve your player in rush, pls not in the main event who the others try to collect points. U dmbass kids
I bet, youre the guy, who spammin "nice" when your teammate loses the ball, but at the next chance, u miss a clear goal opp. and then put teh controller down....yes, youre another level... trash level of the community lol
Wannabe pro lol. All afk clowns needs a big D in their ass, so stfu and flex with your poor rank3 level u idiot looool
Write me if you need a wl service u fckn bot, i gave u a rank 1 then u can maybe afford your mbappe, after that, u can go to rank 4 maybe u clown idiot hahahahah
Lol what an angry noob hahaha jerk off for your rank 5 wl lil boy
When cain i see u in a pro tournament mr pro??? Lol fckff
Him or Son at st, pair with Rutter? (I know, both, but Rutter must stay, his skills and false 9 role is important to me) i have Leao at LM so Son cant play there.
Thx mate
When to buy? Tmrw after rewards, or friday after the new promo?