Earn a Player Moments Kalidou Koulibaly celebrating his transfer to Chelsea
Earn 1 of 4 Players that were released exclusively through SBCs and Objectives in FUT22 in June and July (not including Icons).
Earn 1 of 4 Winter Wildcards, Fantasy FUT or FUT Birthday Players.
Try out Icon Moments Kaká on a 5-Match Loan!
Build towards earning the Icon Moments version of Kaká
Exchange FUT Champions items to get a FUT Champions player rated 83-86 OVR
Exchange a squad of FUT Champions players for 1 of 3 FUT Champions players rated 86+ OVR
Solve these puzzles by exchanging squads with multiple Leagues & Nations
Try building some squads with basic League and Nation requirements
Solve these puzzles by exchanging multi-league squads that increase in difficulty
Solve these puzzles by exchanging multi-nation squads that increase in difficulty
Learn the basics of Squad Building Challenges and earn a Two Player Pack